Friday, July 30, 2010

Live A Legacy

I remember the powerful words I heard at an event in 2000... "In order to leave a legacy, you must live a legacy." That philosophy has stuck with me since I was 16 years old. I often wonder if I was gone tomorrow, how would I be remembered? Not because of perverted narcissism, or because I want to feel popular... it's more of a wonder if I'm making a difference during my time on this earth.
Jim Rohn wrote "Leaving a Legacy - Principles to Live By". Outstanding principles and truths to live by, personally and professionally.
Just a little something to ponder today...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

everyday fitness

I have to admit, as my work schedule continues to pick up, planning my workouts begins to slow down. Even as a trainer, it's easy for fitness to take a backseat. Hell, I work in a gym so when I'm in it, thinking about it, teaching it all day long some day's seem repulsive to stay and get my sweat on.
Here's the deal: No Excuses. There's no reason we can't do a little something everyday. Even if I didn't work in a gym; body weight exercises like pushups, squats, lunges, and planks are available anywhere and everywhere I go!
Yesterday, having just one of those days when the gloom of my workout wasn't going to get fit hit me, and like a record player coming to a screeching halt I hit the gym floor for a 30 min core blasting circuit. If I'm going to practice what I preach it's all about doing something for fitness everyday. This core circuit chewed me up and spit me out and I had time left to shower and finish training 3 more clients for the evening.
Have half an hour? Think you got what it takes? Try and complete my circuit from yesterday in 30 mins or less!

KettleBell V-sit Throws - 60 Reps
Stability Ball Pikes - 20 Reps
Push Planks - 10 Reps (each arm)
Stability Ball Crunch
/with overhead Tricep Extensions - 20 Reps
Smith Machine Bench Press
/with Leg Lifts - 10 Reps

Combine each exercise one after another, Rest 60 seconds or less between, until all 5 drills are finished. Complete circuit 3 times in 30 minutes!

Monday, July 26, 2010


As August approaches I am planning to dive into the ColorFUEL nutrition program.It's not that I don't already eat 'healthy' or that I am starting a diet.No. This is a nutrition program and a way for me to set a goal for myself and practice what I preach to my clients, friends, and family.
This is just a heads up... look for much MORE to come as I fuel myself by ColorFUEL for 31 days!

Want to check it out now? go to:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dear Journal

Lately I've explored the Internet to follow other "Fitness" blogs to see what's out there. Most are decent, infact most are pretty informative featuring healthy nutrition and training tips and lifestyle pointers...but all are facts, facts, facts. All I have to think is really? That's the best you can do? How boring, boring, boring!

The whole reason I started vaudevillegym was to bring out the lighter-side of gyms, health, and fitness. My thought was there was a need to be honest, brutally honest, definitely entertaining, a little vulgar, and even vulnerable about what goes on inside the gym. To relate to the people who are in the day-to-day battle of their health and fitness... and even poke fun at what I see as a trainer. A journal.

In our office meeting today, one thing led to another as stories often do, from clients named Dick to inappropriate shorty-shorts... and as we laughed, knowing we could have kept going for another hour with another story to top it, someone mentioned we should keep a journal to track the many adventures and situations that happen in our incredible occupation. Silently, I thought to myself "that's what vaudevillgym is about." So I remind myself tonight, to write about myself- write about my hopes and plans, direction and success of A2O ColorFUEL- and most importantly write about the great stories we experience everyday in the gym. This is vaudevillegym. This is my journal.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


When we talk about wanting to impact our communities and city, here's an example to follow. This man was awarded the Arthur Ashe Courage Award tonight during the ESPY's. His story is phenomenal and his legacy lives on through his family and through the students he coached... He inspired students and a town for over thirty years, only to be fatally gunned down in a locker room by a former player during a gametime pep-talk. Men like this should be remembered, here's a short moment to remember him by...but I encourage you to follow up and learn from his Full Story.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Today's all about the Fast Life. Life in the fast lane. In this globalized- circuit board- overload world it seems like everyone is trying to get one step ahead with every FB update and tweet. I was reminded today that this life is bigger than my own, and was challenged. Challenged to think about how I craft this new stage in my life... I know I have all the opportunity in the world, and have (by guidance) been put in a position for great success.
My desire is that as success comes that I don't forget the calling to my life to serve others. Recently I've focused intently on myself. Big changes have happened, and BIGGER changes are coming! It's easy to wake up and spend everyday thinking about what "I" need to do, what "I" want to do, and when "I" need to get it done! ...There's no doubt that I am looking more positively towards the future than ever! While those changes are happening it's easy to get lost in the me, myself, and I. My commission is to make sure that while I'm changing, I'm changing the world around me. I have been given so much and have to make sure along the way I am giving back. Asking myself tonight to add more pieces to the puzzle.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Positioning For Success

I love surfing. Spending 6 months on the island of Oahu Hawaii, I was in the water nearly every day. I had to study the ocean and learn from others, but the sport is incredible. The energy in the waves, the physical exertion it takes to control the board under your feet, and the thrill of the ride. Though the sport has its down time to... The work it takes to paddle out to a good spot is exhausting, and then once your there the wait and anticipation for the sets to come in. Those moments are incredible. You have to do the work to get there, the waves build and take form if you position yourself right, and then you enjoy the ride.
I'm in a moment like that in my own life right now. Taking my career as a trainer and re-locating to A2O Fitness and deciding to create the best fitness atmoshphere in Boise. I can see the waves in the distance, the set is coming in... now is my time to do the paddling. Putting myself in position to ride the biggest waves of my life. Thanks to a trainer friend of mine and fellow Eastern Oregon'er, Brandon Campbell, I am extremely motivated and know I'm setting myself and others up for SUCCESS. His highly successful bootcamp and training is out of UrbanBootcamp in Scottsdale Arizona, check out or find him on Facebook.
This next week is all momentum forward! The owners of A2O ColorFUEL studio, fellow Trainer Heather Eastman, and myself are re-writing the script of Bootcamp Training in Boise,ID. On top of the new classes being offered, I'm in the works of designing my personal website, business cards, flyer's and post cards - all the tools to let people know of the insane and high-quality fitness bootcamps that are going to change peoples lives!
To see a schedule of classes offered now check out

Monday, July 5, 2010

Back to Basics

My most influential coaches often returned to one familiar saying "fundamentals, fundamentals, FUNDAMENTALS!!!" Some of my favorite sports movies customarily have a scene where the team or a player can't seem to get it together; thus the scene continues to where the basic skills have to be repeated over and over until that climatic moment where it clicks and the skills are performed flawlessly. In athletics, and with life in general as it seems, accomplishing what you want is achieved when you do the small things right. Getting back to the basics... whether in concepts or mechanics can make all the difference.
As I reflect on my recent move to A2O Fitness and as the weight of my new occupational direction challenges me I feel myself searching for an 'answer'. For some miraculous means to overcome the obstacles ahead. Certainly there's a book, website, or genius-humanoid who I can latch onto, follow their easy step-by-step plan, and reap the benefits from? Right???
Tonight I confront myself to go back to the basics. Return to the fundamentals of what I know, back to what propelled my passion and calling for this career and livelihood anyway. Instead of crawling ahead in worry and doubt, Propelling myself forward with the desire I had when I started.