Yesterday CNN.com reported that "Blogging may pose health risks." In a video interview, comedian/ celebrity Perez Hilton expressed his unhealthy encounters as a full time blogger including symptoms such as lack of sleep, poor diet, and deficient amounts of exercise or movement. Just look at the guy and it makes sense.
And even as I write this I realize the irony of it. Me, a personal trainer, blogging about how blogging is bad for your health. Sitting here doing the thing that I am telling you NOT to do. But we all do it, everyday of our lives is filled with little shortcomings that void us of our health. Sitting at a computer screen, watching TV, driving, even cooking has become mundane with the help of the microwave!!!
But there is hope! There are tons of little adjustments we can make daily to add some existence of exercise in our lives. Keeping a set of dumbbells with you at the office, stretching while you cook, I even have a group of friends who do push ups for every time they are killed while playing their favorite video game! So the question is: what do you do for that little extra every day? Any suggestions? Lets hear your ideas....
I realize I'm not the most health concious person in our little blogging community, but I have found that these little bits of exercise throughout the day help. I especially enjoy having little incentives. Such as the push ups for losses on Halo routine. Last night Kyle and I did "House Pushups" at the beginning of the championship game, at halftime, and then we decided we'd do them if they went to over time AND if Memphis won. Lucky for us they didn't, cause without realizing it, we did well over 200 pushups that night. It's amazing how it can add up when you arent focusing on how much it's adding up.
I agree it is much harder to say "Im gonna sit bust out 100 push ups right now" so I've been trying to make little bets with myself through out the day. Some of these equal 20 pushups and others are a little more
i know it...and if you do kegel exercises during blogging...then you're good to go.
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