Okay what's with the nicknames and name calling so many men do in the weight rooms today? As if the over-grown, iron pumping, in front of mirrors in undersized shirts wasn't egotistical enough.... now this! No wonder everyone has ipods jammed in their ears everywhere you look!
First I totally understand and respect the importance of a spotter while lifting. Especially if your putting up big weight, safety first. But when your buddy is there counting your reps and calling you "big dawg" or "killer" it's gone way to far! And yet you see it all the time. Men in weight rooms have forgotten they are men and not 12 year old boys. The shouting, the grunting, the nicknames, even rehearsed high-five handshakes, it's all for attention. As if to say look at me, your not cool enough to be in our club.
But really, nobody wants to be in that club anyway. So if you're one of the 'dudes' who is involved in this distortion of manliness cut it out; or if you know someone who is tell them how ridiculous they sound. "Do it DAWG!"
First I totally understand and respect the importance of a spotter while lifting. Especially if your putting up big weight, safety first. But when your buddy is there counting your reps and calling you "big dawg" or "killer" it's gone way to far! And yet you see it all the time. Men in weight rooms have forgotten they are men and not 12 year old boys. The shouting, the grunting, the nicknames, even rehearsed high-five handshakes, it's all for attention. As if to say look at me, your not cool enough to be in our club.
But really, nobody wants to be in that club anyway. So if you're one of the 'dudes' who is involved in this distortion of manliness cut it out; or if you know someone who is tell them how ridiculous they sound. "Do it DAWG!"