Tomorrow I have the opportunity to go back to where my career started, or at least where it started to take shape, my college Alumn NNU! After being in touch with a college professor, Dr. Kim Forseth, I was asked to come and share my experiences as a personal trainer to her class...
This week as I prepared the topics to highlight and enlighten upon them, I began to ask myself "what does it take to be a personal trainer?" The question began to swirl around in my head and I haven't been able to shake it all week! It is such a dynamic career and the direction one takes depends on ultimately what they want to achieve. Is it about a health career to help people, desire to be financially successful, to work with athletes or a specific population, or to use it as a stepping stone towards something more? I am learning what it takes to be a trainer everyday and setting goals towards what I want to achieve, all the while being challenged by clients, my associates, and myself to become better at what I do.
Hmmmm... looks like I have a powerpoint to make tonight!